10-13 April | COExperience 2022
Meet us at the COExperience 2022 on booth 314 to discover our VR software enabling a complete immersive experience with AR/VR headsets

COExperience 2022: TechViz program
Meet us at COExperience 2022 on April 10th to 13th in New Orleans to discover and test our latest innovations that will disrupt the way products are designed and manufactured. We will be presenting to the community of Dassault Systèmes experts our Multi-device XR spaces that make it possible to collaborate in Virtual or Augmented Reality around a 3D model, with any type of display, either locally or remotely. The workflow to set-up these XR spaces is very simple from the native CAD / CAE application, without any data conversion. You will be able to visualize a 3D model in real time and organize design reviews and presentations, evaluate ergonomics, totally safely. Moreover, it is possible to reintegrate Human Factors into a virtual work environment with features such as Virtual Manikin, Human Body Tracking and Finger Tracking.
- START: April 10th
- END: April 13th
- LOCATION: Sheraton New Orleans Hotel – 500 Canal St., New Orleans, LA 70130 [United States]
- BOOTH: 314
- WEBSITE: Official Website
About COExperience
Join COExperience 2022 and connect or reconnect with hundreds of Dassault Systèmes users and preeminent industry partners to help you to build skills, increase efficiencies and gain knowledge. COE is the only community of experts of Dassault Systèmes solutions that helps users and their company leverage their Dassault Systèmes solutions through education, training or networking opportunities.