15-16 September | Driving Simulation Conference 2022
Discover use cases of Virtual Reality combining 3D car models with driving simulation.

TechViz program
At the DSC you will be able to test VR merging 3D models with driving simualtion in 1v1 size. Testing a driving simualtion that merges with 3D car models allows several things:
- Test the accessibility of the cockpit.
- Check if the ergonomics of the 3D car model are what has expected.
- Gather multiple work teams (design, conception…) to validate or discart the design errors of the car’s model.
You may also will want to try out the XR collaboration, with TechViz’ Multi-device XR spaces. It makes possible to collaborate in Virtual or Augmented Reality around a 3D model in real time, with any type of immersive systems, either locally or remotely.
- START: September 15
- END: September 16
- LOCATION: Palais de la Musique et des Congrès – Place de Bordeaux, 67000 Strasbourg (France)
- BOOTH: 5
- PARTNERS: AVSimulation
About DSC
The DSA (Driving Simulation Association) is the one who hosts the DSC conference each year. The goal is to allow a better dialogue between people that are interested in driving simulation technology and the organization of scientific conferences from that area. This year, attendants will gather in Strasbourg to discuss about driving simulation techonology, merging virtual reality (VR) and more. To share your voice on this topics join the DSC 2022 Europe!
* Driving simulation picture provided by Renault.
15-16 September| DSC 2022 Europe
TechViz at DSC Europe
Meet us at DSC in Strasbourg where driving simulation professionnals from the industrial, academic communities and commercial simulation providers will come together to showcase and to discuss about driving simulation technology.
TechViz program
At the DSC you will be able to test VR merging 3D models with driving simualtion in 1:1 scale. Testing a driving simualtion that merges with 3D car models allows several things:
- Test the accessibility of the cockpit.
- Check if the ergonomics of the 3D car model are what has expected.
- Gather multiple work teams (design, conception…) to validate or discart the design errors of the car’s model.
You may also will want to try out the XR collaboration, with TechViz’ Multi-device XR spaces. It makes possible to collaborate in Virtual or Augmented Reality around a 3D model in real time, with any type of immersive systems, either locally or remotely.
- START: September 15th
- END: September 16th
- LOCATION: Palais de la Musique et des Congrès – Place de Bordeaux, 67000 Strasbourg (France)
- BOOTH: 5
- PARTNERS: AVSimulation
About DSC
The DSA (Driving Simulation Association) is the one who hosts the DSC conference each year. The goal is to allow a better dialogue between people that are interested in driving simulation technology and the organization of scientific conferences from that area. This year, attendants will gather in Strasbourg to discuss about driving simulation techonology, merging virtual reality (VR) and more. To share your voice on this topics join the DSC 2022 Europe!
* Driving simulation picture provided by Renault.