[OPEN DAY] TechViz and Pôle Systematic to demonstrate TechVizXL in TechViz 4 Sided immersive room in Paris on November 26, 2015.
TechViz setup a wide range of visualization demos of industrial 3D models (Automobile, Manufacturing, BIM, Construction and Building) using TechViz XL solution. The demos have been displayed in TechViz 4 Sided immersive room for a complete immersive experience, and in a regular meeting room for a light and easy display solution.
Thanks to these demos, visitors have been able to understand how to leverage assets from Virtual Reality (VR) in two distinct environments : a fully immersive one with high technological value and a lighter one meeting offices requirements and constraints.
Design tools
- 3D models display and virtual prototyping visualization
- Technical reviews and collaborative mode between design offices
Automobile / Transportation
- Approve design and car properties in a virtual environment
- Ergonomics, visibility, accidentology
- Study Human-Machine Interface
Factory of the future
- Virtual prototyping of a workshop or a factory
- Validation of ergonomics related to workers’ posture
- Reducing time-to-market of assembly lines thanks to 3D
Digital Cities / BIM
- Virtual tours of building to identify potential errors in 3D mock-ups
- Efficient marketing/sales tool enabling clients to wlak through the 3D model and visualize paths
Smart Energy Management
- Improve productivity and reduce costs thanks to 3D visualization
- Manage risks and detect infrastructures’ defaults thanks to Virtual Reality
- Simulate virtual training of the maintenance teams