PLM Forum Russia 2010, Moscow
TechViz, A.R.T. and Barco, in partnership with TechViz’ local reseller Virtual Environment Group will participate

JVRC 2010, Stuttgart (Fellbach), Germany
TechViz, A.R.T. and Viscon participated jointly booth 21 at the JVRC 2010 show organized this

Ensight Forum, Paris, France
Ensight, a strategic software partner of TechViz, has been organizing on the 27th of September

China Seminar, Wuhan and Chengdu, China
Longtek, a strategic partner of TechViz in Asia, organized from September 14 to September 17 in Wuhan and Chengdu the China Seminar in partnership with TechViz, ART and Barco.

9th Paderborn Workshop, Paderborn, Germany
TechViz, Viscon and ART are pleased to announce their joint participation at the 9th Paderborn Workshop organized by the Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn from June 10th to June 11th 2010 in Paderborn, Germany.