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08 August 2017 – 3D Visualization World Magazine
Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D immersive visualization is enabling designers to accelerate the design process. Automotive, building and construction, oil and gas, manufacturing and aeronautics are just a few areas where efficiency and improved communication and understanding are achieved. 3D Visualization World Magazine interviewed TechViz CEO Alberto Gabaï to learn more about the France based company and the work it is doing in 3D immersive visualization and virtual reality.
3DVW: Please tell us about your TechViz company history – how did the company begin and what was the spark or motivation for beginning?
AG: TechViz is a French virtual reality software editor created in 2004. The company was born when myself, TechViz CEO and Ing Phd Alexis Vartanian, current CTO, joined forces and partnered to launch TechViz, based on Alexis Vartanian ‘s 3D visualization solution expertise and my managerial and business expertise.The company has become a global expert in VR technology, with market-leading immersive 3D visualization solutions. Head office is based in Paris, where we hold a showroom center with a 4-sided Immersive Room, and we are represented in about 30 countries.
3DVW: Clearly Techviz is involved in 3D immersive visualization. Can you explain what that means to you and why 3D and visualization are centrally important to your company?
AG: We have a strong expertise in the fields of virtual reality, 3D visualization solutions and virtual prototyping. Reducing time to market and optimizing products are today’s main concerns in any industry. Therefore, more and more products are being developed with virtual reality.
Virtual prototyping means using a software such as TechViz XL to spot possible design errors before creating physical prototypes. We thus quickly spotted an industrial niche where VR would play a role, and sensed that virtual reality would be the future for enterprises. This is why we marketed our core product TechViz XL as a start.
3DVW: What are the primary products that you deliver? Can you share with us a few examples of how they are being used?
AG: Our core product TechViz XL is a driver that displays your 3D CAD models from instance from Dassault Systèmes Catia V5, Siemens NX, Autodesk Revit, and many more, on any type of stereo display system – your HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Immersive Room, to mention a few, in 1:1 scale. Fusion is another solution we offer our client: it merges 3D scenes of different applications into a single unified scene and merged into a single prototype.
A space craft designed with PTC Creo, and air fluids studied with CEI Ensight can be merged so both departments will study their data together in the virtual environment.TechViz VR was developed more recently, when the emergence of VR headsets hit the market, so we had to offer a suitable visualization solution for VR headsets, such as HTC Vive, Oculus, Canon MREAL, and also for augmented and mixed reality. Headsets such as Meta or the Microsoft product ranges. TechViz collaborative is another of our main tool to visualize a common 3D model from separate sites and on heterogeneous stereo display systems.
3DVW: I was immediately struck with the observation that no data translation is needed on the user side to work with your product. How can that be, given that your products work with so many 3rd party data formats?
AG: That is right. Our technology is in real time, and is only possible without data conversion. Data conversion means a dedicated team is needed to convert the model data, and bring it to a review session, so this takes time. What our strong advantage is, is the fact that our product is a driver that reads the information coming from the 3D application itself, and sends the information to the virtual environment (Immersive Room, HTC Vive for instance).
So TechViz XL is a kind of universal driver solution, we display more than 200 industrial applications on any VR environment, and the data is instantly displayed. Thus real time is possible, changes made during the review in the source application are visualized instantly in the virtual reality scene.
3DVW: In reviewing your company information, it seems that you place an emphasis on using visualization and 3D to connect with stimulating communication in design – is that a fair statement?
AG: Yes this is correct. The architecture and construction sector for instance is very active in the adoption of Information, Communication and technology in the BIM sector can be divided into buildings (residential/ non-residential), infrastructure (heavy/highway) and industry. Many problems and errors in construction projects are the results of a lack of communication. When collaborating partners are able to present, explain, and alter the design in a shared space, misunderstandings and errors are less likely to occur.
3DVW: We often hear from readers that they are sitting on piles of 3D-ready data. Some comes from utilities, others from government, and yet others from business and design environments. Can you help these people who want to begin visualizing but have little understanding of where to start?
AG: Our solutions are very easy to use, so we can address non-experts in VR. Our engineers install the software at the client’s premises, they will train users, but quickly our clients will pick up by themselves and be autonomous. We also have a hotline team, available 24h, speaking several languages, in case our clients have queries.
3DVW: What does virtual reality mean to you? How are our products being used on virtual reality environments?
AG: It means Customers integrate TechViz into their Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) process. Below are a few examples of what our clients do and what they use VR for.
— In Architecture VR Enhance client understanding and gain a competitive advantage byoffering their clients virtual modeling and walk-throughs
— In Construction: Review design projects, identify potential errors and reduce costs and risks
— Oil & Gas: Monitor training sessions, enhance safety during maintenance operationsin remote or hazardous locations
— Research: Drive scientific advancements, improve collaboration between teams, to enhance learning and retention
— Automotive industry: Optimize car design review, meet safety standards, study control systems of the vehicle dynamics, accidentology
— Aeronautics: Improve technical review, mitigate risks, reassure on the PLM process,check safety requirements, optimize engineering project review and simulation
— Shipbuilding: Identify potential design errors, benefit from a realistic understanding of the data model, ergonomics, path planning, visibility, enhance maintenance operations
— Manufacturing industry: Optimize product review, faster time-to-market, validate staff comfort andergonomics
3DVW: Could you explain to our readers how immersive 3D visualization contributes toward financial savings, greater optimization of workflows and other benefits?
AG: Some industries being increasingly competitive – for instance the automotive industry – require faster time-to-market and ever higher quality of products. Car design needs constant changes and reviews before reaching production. This is highly time-consuming and very expensive, but using VR with TechViz can help reduce cost and time by replacing physical mock-ups with virtual ones.
Other industries such as the manufacturing industry will create fewer prototypes before the final product is ready, this helps reducing costs. They are able to review the models virtually, to catch interferences, perform clearance checks and fix engineering designs. Errors can be corrected at an early stage of product conception, thus reducing cost and time.
3DVW: Does mobility play an important role in the use of your products and applications people can develop?
AG: Global companies mean mobility. A 3D model will be reviewed in a production site in China, while being designed by the R and D team based in the USA; our instant VR collaboration solutions mean that the digital product can be reviewed in real time from distant location.
This enables teamwork between departments based in different locations. It also became very useful with the emergence of headsets, for real time collaboration between numerous users within a department: an automotive industrial can equipped 100s of engineers with VR headsets, and organize live review sessions for them to collaborate at the same time.
3DVW: Finally – could you explain the add-ons available to your products and how they could be used?
AG: We have a wide range of options associated to TechViz XL, which are advanced functionalities helping our clients with their digital review. They can do virtual assembly, see collisions, video recording, tracking, hide and show parts to have a better understanding of the virtual model, stick virtual flags on the model with annotations to point out specific issues seen during the model.
More advanced functionalities include TVZlib API which combine a 3D OpenGL application with TVZLIb to develop tailored interactive functionalities; I3 (interactive image interaction) enables to visualize human-machine interaction scenarios, combining non-3D elements within a 3D model, to interact Instantly with your Digital Instrument Clusters, Digital Infotainment, Navigation Systems, Digital Speedometer, Digital Electronic Control Unit, Digital climate control or any kind of HMI in your product design. The aim is to emulate a touch-sensitive interaction with HMI in an immersive environment.
Alberto Gabaï is TechViz CEO. He is a Serial Entrepreneur and Business Angel, Founder of TechViz, Alberto Gabaï has an Engineering degree obtained at the ESTP Engineering school and a business degree obtained at ISG school.
For more information: TechViz
Interview from: 3D Visualization World Magazine
On October 26-27th, TechViz will hold Open Days in their showroom based in downtown Paris. You will attend live demonstrations of 3D applications like Catia V5, Revit, Navisworks or Leica, directly displayed in a HTC Vive thanks to TechViz VR.
You will also be introduced to the EasyViz office system, with which you can display a 3D model in a small room, very convenient for team meetings!
Please feel free to bring your own data! We will display your 3D model in real time.
As shown in this video, Techviz XL can be displayed in a Head-Mounted Display like the HTC Vive (0:10) and the Oculus Rift (2:35).
Rejoignez TechViz le Vendredi 17 Juin 2016 pour une Journée Portes Ouvertes dans son showroom constitué d’une salle immersive 4 faces, avec le tracking ART, son finger tracking et le nouveau retour haptique.
Cette solution permet de tester avec réalisme l’accessibilité des commandes d’un poste de conduite ou de commandement. Vous aurez la possibilité de vérifier pour différents types d’utilisateurs s’ils parviennent à accéder aux commandes, si leur posture est acceptable, et pourrez modifier le modèle CAO en temps réel en validant les améliorations.
Techviz VR can be displayed in a Head-Mounted Display like the HTC Vive (0:10) and the Oculus Rift (2:35).
Find all TechViz VR functionalities:
– cut planes
– measurements
– annotations
– move parts
– see collisions
– collaborative option
– and more !
Use TechViz VR and a HMD to do project review and ergonomic assesments.
TechViz to demonstrate Techviz XL at the Korea Maritime & Ocean University in South Korea with partner SIlicon Studio.
TechViz can also be used with 3DRudder which offers to navigate and to move in a 3D environment using only your feet, your hands being free. The device is used while seated, all you have to do is simply rest your feet on it. To move forward, you tilt the device forward; to move to the right, you tilt the device to the right, and so on and so forth. Rotating the device implies a similar movement in the game or the CAD software. Up and down movements are managed by applying pressure to the right or the left of the platform.
You can see below its use during the it3D show in Bordeaux in October 2015.
JVRC in Paris: SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 Integrated with TechViz Virtual Reality Solutions
Teltow/Paris, December 9, 2013
SensoMotoric Instruments and TechViz have integrated SMI’s leading mobile eye tracking technology with TechViz 3D visualization software and will demo new possibilities for early stage testing of virtual prototypes and designs at JVRC conference in Paris
Eye tracking technology leader SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) from Germany and TechViz, leader in 3D visualization software from France, have cooperated to fully integrate SMI’s first 3D glasses with full eye tracking capability into the leading 3D visualization solutions by TechViz. Both companies have already presented the integration of SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 to customers coming from the automotive, consumer products and other industries as well as to academic researchers at the new TechViz virtual reality showroom in Paris. Now, at the 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference, taking place December 11-13 in Paris, both companies will demo the possibility to include gaze behaviour of users in early stage testing of car models, industrial sites or store layouts.
Watch video on the integration of SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 in TechViz showroom
SMI Eye Tracking Glasses are worn like a normal pair of glasses. Eye tracking is accomplished by two small cameras on the rim of the glasses while a scene camera records the field of view of the user.
For real 3D experience of the wearer and full immersion into the virtual environment, active stereo glasses using Volfoni’s ActiveEyeTM technology are integrated with the eye tracking hardware. The eye tracker also detects the eye distance of the wearer, which allows to optimize the 3D experience for individual physiognomies. Thanks to special optical head tracking targets and the SMI VRPN server, SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 allow partners like TechViz to import 6D gaze vectors in their own 3D application in order to display gaze on objects in the virtual environment.
Arnd Rose, Product Manager SMI: “The integration of our eye tracking data into the TechViz 3D environment allows companies to gather the same behavioral insights eye tracking provides in real-world environments. But they can test at earlier stages when costs of realization are still comparably low.”
Alberto Gabai, CEO, TechViz: “Our customers can come and view in real-time their own application running in a 3D environment. We decided to integrate eye tracking because it informs you objectively what a persons sees and misses. We always try to integrate the best technology and to partner with the best companies in the world and SMI is part of them.”
Phone : +49 (0)3328 3955-00 SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH
Fax : +49 (0)3328 3955-99 Warthestrasse 21
WEB : 14513 Teltow
E-Mail : Germany
Geschaeftsfuehrer / Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Schmidt, Amtsgericht Potsdam HRB 22447 P; VAT-No.: DE 26650 8899
More about SMI Eye Tracking Glasses:
More about SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI):
Contact SMI: Stefanie Gehrke, Marcom Manager,
More about TechViz:
Contact TechViz:
We were at the Automotive Manufacturing show 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. The show took place from the 24th to the 27th of June at the BITEC exhibition center. You could find us on booth X11 in Hall 104 with our partner Eureka Design Automation, where we invited visitors to try a live and interactive demonstration of Eureka’s automotive 3D models.
Thank you to our partners Barco and Eureka Design for this opportunity !
The complete Value Chain
As the only event specifically designed for auto-parts manufacturers, “Automotive Manufacturing” was a comprehensive platform for the auto-parts community to discover the latest machinery and technology as well as new know-how and connections that will assist them in catching up with the trends and business opportunities. As a part of “Manufacturing Expo,” Thailand’s most comprehensive event for auto-parts manufacturing technologies, this exhibition was the all-in-one sourcing platform. From mold making to automation, all you will ever need was here.
Read the conference agenda here.
About Eureka Design Automation
We are very proud to partner with Eureka Design on this occasion. As the leading Thai company focusing on designing machines, and with an experience of over 10 year in the automotive industry, Eureka design can ensure the highest quality for the design of machine parts, gauges, and automotive products.
TechViz – Joachim Gaougou –
Eureka Design – Wichet Muengchan –
Great demos at the Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. The show took place from the 24th to the 26th of June at the Tokyo Big Sight, international exhibition center. You could find us on booth 4-6 in Hall East 3 with our partner Nihon Binary on a 3 sided Immersive Room equipped with Barco short throw projectors; we also presented TechViz IPSI Connector our partner Haption, to integrate the «Interactive Physics Simulation Interface» haptic toolkit into TechViz XL, and TechViz fully operationnal on Canon’s HMD.
We also had the opportunity to show our combined technology with IPS hose and cable simulation, on Christie’s stand space at IVR.
TechViz – Lucie Deniset –
TechViz was at the IPS Cable Simulation User Conference 2015 in Deidesheim, Germany on 23rd-24th of June.
We unveiled the combined solution of TechViz XL™ with the IPS Cable Simulation software on a 3D virtual environment. IPS Cable Simulation, distributed by fleXstructures GmbH, is the most extensive high-capacity software for design optimization, virtual assembly, digital validation/DMU of flexible cables, hoses and wiring harnesses!
IPS Cable Simulation combined with TechViz XL™ in Virtual Reality offers a live cabling simulation based on the scientifically based simulation carried out by the IPS software for an immersive and interactive experience.
About the conference
Attendees had the opportunity to share experiences with users of IPS Cable Simulation and experts from all over the world and listen to lectures of representatives of industry and science about IPS Cable Simulation. Besides, participants of the conference experienced IPS Cable Simulation in 3D and learnt more about the new features of IPS Cable Simulation 3.0.
At a glance
– From design to digital mock-up – presentations on the integration of IPS Cable Simulation in different stages/ phases of the production process
– Contributions of AUDI, BMW, Delphi, FCC, Fraunhofer ITWM, OPEL, HYUNDAI, OTH Amberg-Weiden, Saarland University, SCANIA, SCSK Japan, STIHL, TechViz,Toyota, Volvo Cars
– Insights into the new features of IPS Cable Simulation 3.0
– 3D visualization of IPS Cable Simulation with TechViz
See full programm here.
TechViz – Lucie Deniset –
fleXstructures – Clement Zemerli –
TechViz and Haption attended the Siemens PLM connection. on May 19th-21st 2015 in Dallas, USA. Visitors could discover our visualization solutions with NX, Tecnomatix and Teamcenter models to simulate physical interaction of objects in 3D!
TechViz IPSI Connector integrates the «Interactive Physics Simulation Interface» haptic toolkit into TechViz XL. This makes your haptic system and/or software compatible with your 3D models from any Siemens applications. An immersive and complete interactive experience in Virtual Reality. Download more information now.
PLM World® is a User Community focusing on the Siemens PLM Software product suite and complementary partner offerings. The conference provides industry leading collaborative network for exchanging ideas, information and best practices enabling customer success and influencing the future direction of software development.
TechViz – Lucie Deniset –
Haption – Pierre Vercruysse –
You could find us on the PNY stand C40 were we partnered with 3Dims,and experience immersive and interactive demonstration based on industrial models and using a Panasonic stereo projector.
Hannover Messe is the world’s leading showcase for industrial technology. The exhibitors showcase new products along the entire industrial value chain. The world’s leading show for industrial technology highlights innovations and groundbreaking solutions in all the core sectors – i.e. industrial automation and IT, energy and environmental technology, industrial supply, production engineering and services, as well as research and development.
Marketing – Lucie Deniset
Sales – Salvatore Gabai & Elena Penner
We exhibited at Laval Virtual 2015 with our partners Christie and PNY on booth D3-D6.
TechViz XL operating with Christie’s 4K25 120Hz mirage
The TechViz XL™ software package, which allows users to display their 3D models directly from their native industrial or VR applications on a stereo 3D display, operated at Laval with Christie’s highly performant 4K25 120Hz projector. Users visualized the 3D application of their choice, without data conversion, and featuring a very high quality image. The combination of TechViz XL™ with Christie’s 4K Mirage is a breakthrough in immersive VR technology.
More info on TechViz
Brand New for Laval Virtual 2015
For the first time at Laval, we unveiled the combined solution of TechViz XL™ with the IPS Cable Simulation software on a 3D virtual environment. IPS Cable Simulation, distributed by fleXstructures GmbH, is the most extensive high-capacity software for design optimization, virtual assembly, digital validation/DMU of flexible cables, hoses and wiring harnesses!
IPS Cable Simulation combined with TechViz XL™ in Virtual Reality offers a live cabling simulation based on the scientifically based simulation carried out by the IPS software for an immersive and interactive experience.
More info on TechViz XL™ with the IPS
PNY SSD Contest
During the event, at the TechViz booth D3-6 people could win 3 PNY SSD CL4000 Series supplied by PNY.
TechViz Collaborative Demonstrations
We hope you didn’t miss the TechViz Immersive Real-Time 3D Prototyping Experience for Multiple Users in Separate Locations. Collaborative demonstations took place between the TechViz and Antycip Simulation booths: people visualized a common demonstration simultaneously.
TechViz Collaborative gives users the ability to visualize a 3D model from 3D CAD, PLM and simulation applications together with remote users’ avatar in real time. There is no limit to the number of sites that can join the immersive 3D prototyping experience with TechViz Collaborative and the breakthrough technology can pinpoint remote users’ attention throughout the experience.
More info on ‘TechViz Collaborative’
Contact us now for more info
Marketing – Lucie Deniset
Sales – Gilles Barbieux
IEEE VR 2015 took place on March 25th – 27th in Arles, France. IEEE Virtual Reality 2015 is the premier international conference and exhibition on virtual reality. There you meet the brightest minds, the most innovative research, the leading companies and the most stimulating discussions in the fields of virtual environments, augmented reality and 3D user interfaces.
TechViz showcased the latest developments with our partners Immersion and ART: a unique demonstration of your 3D models on a Oculus DK2 as well as 3D models displayed on a power wall with TechViz XL and a Barco F50 projector.
Marketing – Lucie Deniset
Sales – Nissim
TechViz attended the ARTDays2015 on March 5th and 6th in Murnau, Germany.
We showcased our latest demonstration with our partner Viscon on a rear projector equipped with an ART Hybrid suit.
For more information please visit:
About ARTDays 2015
The Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) conference is ART’s 2nd edition of their user conference. Hardware and software manufacturers in the fields of 3D simulation, visualization and immersive 3D applications, as well as renowned customers from industry and research presented their latest developments, time- and cost-saving applications as well as views into the future of the very promising possibilities of VR and AR. Top-class lectures and a varied exhibition provide the framework for interesting discussions, networking and maybe also new future strategies. The event is targeting existing customers as well as interested product managers, decision makers and developers from industry and academic institutions.
Marketing- Lucie deniset
Sales – Salvatore Gabaï
A great TechViz haption demonstration day, Tuesday February 3rd in our Parisian showroom !
You experienced your 3D Siemens NX or PTC Creo models in a 4 sided Immersive Room for a complete immersive and interactive experience with Haption force feedback.
TechViz has integrated IPSI « Interactive Physics Simulation toolkit » into TechViz XL. This enables Haption’s Haptic device on any application supported by TechViz: Siemens NX, PTC Creo, and more than 200 applications supported by TechViz. A full immersion in your 3D data in stereoscopy and on human scale.
Ideal for:
Ergonomic study
Physical analysis
Assembly validation
Project review
Testing operations
Factory of the future
Contact us today !
Marketing – Lucie Deniset
Sales – Gilles Barbieux
TechViz attended the Euro VR conference 2014 from Dec. 8th-10th, Bremen University, Germany with Viscon.
At EuroVr, TechViz unveiled TVZLib – the TechViz API – ideal to create customized 3D interactions and functionalities inside your model!
TechViz XL displays your 3D model in an immersive environment, but with TechViz TVZ Lib you will create/develop your scenarios and program your own functionalities, as well as easily integrate your tracking information as inputs for navigation and interaction. Besides TechViz XL will deal with all VR prerequisites.
About EUVR2014
The focus of EuroVR was on VR and AR technologies, including software systems, display technology, interaction devices, and applications. EuroVR is not only a conference for presenting and publishing applied research, but also a platform for exchange between researchers, technology providers, and end users around commercial or research applications. Besides papers on novel results, industry-oriented presentations (automotive, medical, etc.) create a unique opportunity to see, discuss, and share the latest innovations and developments. EuroVR gives also a unique opportunity for vendors and laboratories to exhibit their latest innovations and demos in the exhibition area.
More information:
About Viscon
Since September 2002, the VISCON GmbH operates successfully as a full service provider of high-quality projection and media technology solutions. Their experienced professionals can advise and assist in projects on request through from the first meeting to the turnkey handover to the side. As a manufacturer- independent system , they only use a quality products that meet individual requirements – for reliability in demanding 24/7-operation .
Benjamin Bayart– R&D
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
A great Siggraph Asia Dec 4-6th in Shenzhen, China, to discover TechViz new functionalities and try our fantastic interactive new demonstrations. You could find us on booth D14 with our partner Longtek.
The event took place at the Shenzhen convention and exhibition centre.
Marketing – Lucie Deniset
Sales – Salvatore Gabai
A great CONVR2014 16th to 18th November at Sharjah, UAE for the 14th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality in Construction and Islamic Architecture with our partners Intertech and Vicon.
CONVR 2014 will bring together researchers and practitioners from around the globe to report on and exchange the latest development, ideas and applications stemming from innovative research activities in the area of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Building Information Modeling and Islamic Architecture. The objective of the conference is to report on ideas, improvements, and applications of innovative international research activities in the VR, AR and BIM fields and discuss strategies for the future development of research perspectives in these fields.
About Intertech
Intertech Vision is one of the leading control room specialists who change the original control room concept. With over 140 installations in the region, INTERTECH is the leading designer / integrator for professional Operation Centers and Control Rooms in the fields of Airports, Airlines, Telecommunications, Traffic, Utilities, Security, Surveillance, Process control, Broadcast and Military / Defence. Fully committed to quality, INTERTECH is certified by industrial leading manufacturers and is ISO9001-2008 certified.
About Vicon
Vicon is the leading developer of motion capture products and services for the Life Science, Entertainment and Engineering industries. They have revolutionised the motion capture industry for 30 years, consistently pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
Sales – Mohamed Ali Hammami –
Marketing – Lucie Deniset –
Join us for the 3Dexperience forum in Karpacz, Poland, October 23/24. Dassault Systemes’s user forum will take place at the Golebiewski Hotel. TechViz will exhibit our latest solution, i.e. display 3D models from Catia V5 and V6.
You can register free of charge via this link.
Lucie Deniset – Marketing –
Julie Berthonneau – Sales –
A great demonstration day « Virtual Reality for Research and Industry », October 14th in Karlsruhe, Germany with our partners, keys players in Virtual Reality i.e. Karlsruhe university of Technology (KIT), the Lifecycle Engineering Solution Center (LESC), Haption, fleXstructures and ART.
A particular thank you to our speakers who shared with us their vision and utilization of virtual reality:
• Prof. Dr.Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Jivka Ovtcharova, LESC, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
• Dr. Klaus Dreßler, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
• Markus Herb, TRUMPF GmbH
• Markus Halbritter, Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
… And to our partners speakers:
• Dr.-Ing Benjamin Bayart, TechViz
• Dr. Jerome Perret, Haption
• Dipl.-Ing. FH Oliver Hermanns, fleXstructures GmbH
• Dr. Armin Weiss, Advanced Reatime Tracking GmbH
Many thanks to all visitors who came so many and to our host, Karlsruhe university of technology.
Contact us for more information
Lucie Deniset – Marketing ldeniset@techviz.netSalvatore Gabaï – Sales
TechViz attended SIG 2014 – ESRI’s French user conference – in Versailles, France, 1st-2nd October 2014.
You could visualize 3D urban models from CityEngine on a stereoscopic display for a fully immersive session.
Contact us
Julie Berthonneau– Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz attended Immersion’s 2nd edition of IT3D. You had the chance to try TechViz immersive visualisation solutions operating with a Barco projetor.
Contact us
Gilles Barbieux – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
A great Demonstration day in the TechViz Showroom in our HQ offices, September 23th !
You had the opportunity to see TechViz fusion in our 4 sided Immersive Room showcasing a virtual model of a plane cabine or a car designed with Navisworks and merged with EnSightfor an interactive and immersive experience.
With TechViz XL and EnSight, you could display your 3D virtual prototype in real time, in high resolution 3D virtual environement. A fully immersive experience in stereo 3D for improve collaborative work between your teams.
Many thanks to our partner Distene – EnSight !
Contact information:
TechViz :
Lucie Deniset:
Tel: 01 55 03 00 80
Distene – EnSignt Contact:
Laurent ANNE:
Tel: 09 70 65 02 00
TechVIz attended Siggraph 2014, from August 12th to 14th in Vancouver, Canada on booth #1017 with our partners Barco and ART at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
We showcased our latest visualization demonstration on a 3 sided Immersive Room.
New for Siggraph 2014
You had the opportunity to view your 3D model & interact with it in real time, in a 3 sided Immersive Room with Barco F50 projectors WQXGA (2560 x 1600), 4M pixels, native 120 Hz stereo and high contrast rear projection screens. This unique technology unveiled LIVE at Siggraph for the first time.
It was a pleasure seeing you on our booth 1017 in Vancouver, Canada, August 12th to 14th, together with our hardware partners Barco and ART.
About Siggraph : Since its beginning in 1974 as a small group of specialists in a previously unknown discipline, ACM SIGGRAPH has evolved to become an international community of researchers, artists, developers, filmmakers, scientists, and business professionals who share an interest in computer graphics and interactive techniques.
A special interest group of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s first and largest computing society, ACM SIGGRAPH offers a diverse menu of programs and services for its members and the computer graphics communit.
Barco showcased its innovative 3 sided visualization concept.
Contact us
Nissim Gabai – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz attended IVR 2014 from June 25th- 27th at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.
The largest Industrial Virtual Reality show focuses on 3D and Virtual Reality in the industry and has been held at Tokyo Big Sight on a grand scale every June for decades. TechViz showcased it’s latest visualization solution on 3 a sided Immersive Room and an HMD.
Contact us for more information
Salvatore Gabai – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
On June 22nd and 23rd TechViz displayed its 3D solutions at the Pullman Hotel in New Delhi, India, where visitors could enjoy live demonstrations of the TechViz technology. The Indian-French Business Meetings where organized by the IFCCI – the Indo French Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
The IFCCI is a bilateral business organization with around 500 active members consisting of both French and Indian companies from a variety of sectors.
Sunday 22nd
Introductory meetings on how to do business in India
Networking cocktail at the French Ambassador’s Residence (members of the delegation, representatives of sponsors and key stakeholders of the French business community in India)
Monday 23th
Plenary session
Institutional speeches by high level officials from France and India and Expert panel discussions
Networking lunch
B to B meetings and/ or site visits
Cocktail reception
Contact us now !
Julie Berthonneau – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
Foram Chikhal – Trade Advisor
TechViz exhibited at Aricad’s annual Open CAO on June 12th in Magny-les-Hameaux, France. You could discover Autodesk 2015 latest solutions at the Novotel Golf National in Magny-les-Hameaux near Paris, France, from 9 am to 5 pm.
Click here to view Aricad’s Open CAO full agenda.
We showcased TechViz XL visualization solution operating with a selection of Autodesk applications.
Contact us now !
Gilles Barbieux – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz attended A-Vision – May 7th-8th, the Netherlands and displayed the latest visualisation solutions on a Barco display system. This event has been co-organised by our partners Pro Systems and Beyond Reality.
From 10:00 to 17:00 am, you were welcomed to see the latest, distinctive audiovisual and (augmented) content solutions at A-Vision, to get a clear vision and positive attitude towards the future. More information and registration to the event here.
Contact for more information
Julie Berthonneau – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz was in Derby, UK at the Engineering Simulation Show April 23th on booth E11 with our partner Antycip Simulation. The Engineering Simulation Show took place in Derby Roundhouse, DE248JE Derby, UK April 23th, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Antycip Simulation
Antycip Simulation, a subsidiary of ST Electronics (Training & Simulation Systems) Pte Ltd., is the European leader in the provision of independent modelling and simulation COTS tools, projection systems and related engineering services.
With over 10 years of expertise as a preferred supplier of governments, top universities, research laboratories and private sector companies, Antycip Simulation has accumulated experience in diverse industries including Defence, Aerospace, Security, Transportation, Automotive, Telecommunications and Education.
Contact us
Nissim Gabai – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz was at Aveva World Russia User Conference, April 17th in Moscow with our partner VE group at the Event Hall ‘Info-Space’ First Zachatievsk y Lane 4, Moscow, Russia.
VE group – Virtual Environment Group (VE Group) is a Russian-German company, one of the leaders in system integration in 3D visualisation and Virtual Reality in Russia. Our portfolio includes Immersive Room, CAD-walls, HMD contents and others. Its mission is to provide better vision, better comprehension and better decision making with virtual reality and high-quality visualisation technologies.
Salvatore Gabai – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz exhibited at Hannover Messe from April 7th to 11th in Hannover, Germany on Hall 7 Booth C-52 with our partners Viscon and Christie.
At Hannover Messe 2014, TechViz showcased its solutions on Christies’ Mirage 4K25 at 120Hz performance to capture the attention with stunning images.
Viscon – Since September 2002, the VISCON GmbH operates successfully as a full service provider of high-quality projection and media technology solutions. Their experienced professionals can advise and assist in projects on request through from the first meeting to the turnkey handover to the side. As a manufacturer- independent system , they only use a quality products that meet individual requirements – for reliability in demanding 24/7-operation .
Christie – Recognised as one of the most innovative visual technology companies in the world and the most advanced projectors and complete system displays, Christie display solutions and projectors capture the attention of audiences around the world with dynamic and stunning images.
Salvatore Gabai – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
LAVAL VIRTUAL the international conferences and exhibition of virtual technologies and uses, took place from 9-13th April in Laval, France. You could find us on block stand B13-15 with our partner Christie from 9-11th of April.
At Laval Virtual 2014, TechViz showcased its solutions on a zSpace display and on Christies’ Mirage 4K25 at 120Hz performance to capture the attention with stunning images.
Christie – Recognised as one of the most innovative visual technology companies in the world and the most advanced projectors and complete system displays, Christie display solutions and projectors capture the attention of audiences around the world with dynamic and stunning images.
Laval Virtual – Innovation and New Technologies are essential success factors in every sectors in terms of development and growth of business. Since 1999, Laval Virtual is the reference event of these evolutions and the European leader in the New Technologies sector and uses of Virtual : Industry, Medicine, Training, etc.
On site, you can see this through increasing number of professional visitors each year : 4,500 visitors in 2013 with even more business sectors represented. The exhibition on 4,000 m² is devoted professional visitors for 3 days and open to public the week-end.
Laval Virtual it’s more than an exhibition, it’s also :
– The Virtual Reality International Conferences with researches from around the world
– Virtual Fantasy, a big student competition
– Laval Virtual Awards
– ReVolution, in patnership with IVRC and the Siggrpah, it’s a technologic showcase.
More information about Laval Virtual 2014 :
Gilles Barbieux – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz was exhibiting at IEEE VR 2014, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA March 29th to April 2nd.
TechViz was on Booth#3 with our partner ART and a Christie projection system.
IEEE VR 2014 is the premier international conference and exhibition on virtual reality. Hundreds of the great minds leading forward the field of virtual reality will be coming to Minneapolis, Minnesota from March 29 through April 2 to share their latest work. VR 2014 will mark the 21st year of the conference which started in 1993 as the Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. Presentations and discussions will span topics from virtual environments and augmented reality to 3D user interfaces and the technology needed to enable these environments.
About ART
ART is a leading manufacturer of high-end optical tracking systems for Virtual and Augmented Reality. In addition, ART provides solutions for industrial measurement, medical applications and Motion Capture for ergonomics. The company is located near Munich, Germany.ART offers a variety of tracked input devices, such as Flysticks and Fingertracking, particularly designed for Virtual Reality applications. Moreover ART provides a dedicated solution for optical tracking inside multi-sided projection systems.
About Christie
Christie a global visual technologies company, offers diverse solutions for business, entertainment, and industry. With expertise in film projection since 1929 and professional projection systems since 1979, we’ve established a reputation as the world’s single source manufacturer of a variety of display technologies and solutions for cinema, large audience environments, control rooms, business presentations, training facilities, 3D and virtual reality, simulation, education, media and government. As a market leader, Christie has installed over 100,000 projection solutions worldwide.
Contact :
Nissim Gabai- Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
The TechViz – ART demonstration days took place on 19th and 20th March 2014 in the Paris showroom.
A WORLD PREMIERE. Visitors could experience the brand new integration of ART-Human into the TechViz XL visualization software in a 4 sided Immersive Room.
A full 3D body motion tracking interaction LIVE!
The TechViz Human Body Tracking option combined with ART’s Motion Capture suit and their new ART-Human software allows great immersion into Virtual Reality applications. Ideal for validation of the ergonomic factors in a working task, for reach analysis or to see the collisions between the human body and the model.
– Full Real Time Body capture directly in more than 200 3D applications
– ART Human new human model
– Hybrid Suit works even if line of sight is blockedReal-time collisions, multiple viewpoints, assembly tasks
– Ergonomic study of maintenance operations
– Reach Analysis
– Virtual Training
TechViz Contact:
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
ART Contact :
Ulrich Probost – Sales
TechViz exhibited at GESS Dubai in the Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE, from March 4th to 6th 2014, with our partners Intertech and Barco. You could see us Hall 7 booth Nr N25.
About GESS
GESS is designed for all educational professionals. Whether you are a head teacher, head of procurement, head of department, dean, professor, lecturer, teacher or just involved in education, you will have the opportunity to view demonstrations of some of the most innovative exhibits from the leading suppliers to the global education market. In conjunction with the exhibition, GEF is renowned as an industry leader in terms of providing ongoing education, debates and insight.
About Intertech
From more than a decade Intertech Vision is providing digital educational equipment and solutions to enhance research, teaching and learning experience in partnership with Barco NV and AHA Inc.With over 140 installations in the region, INTERTECH is the leading designer / integrator for professional Operation Centers and Control Rooms in the fields of Airports, Airlines, Telecommunications, Traffic, Utilities, Security, Surveillance, Process Control, Broadcast and Military / Defence.
To provide the highest standards, INTERTECH employs the most advanced large displays systems, ergonomic operator consoles and offers unique control room design consulting and software development capabilities.
Mohamed Ali Hammami – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz was at the Normandy Motor Meeting (N2M) in Rouen, France, Febuary 5th and 6th 2014.
More information about the event :
The Normandy Motor Meeting is the business meetings of the engines and propulsions systemes industries. For the 6th edition, the N2M hosted an R&D symposium with the latest technological innovations of the engines and propulsion systems industries for automotive and aerospace. Were present more than 1000 decision-makers in the automotive/aerospace area for at least 8000 business meetings. Conferences were held simultaneously with the business meetings and led by major player in the market.
Contact :
Gilles Barbieux – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz exhibited at VR symposium in Einhoven, the Netherlands with Prosystems on January 28th and 29th 2014.
More information about VR symposium in Einhoven :
About our partner ProSystems
ProSystem is specialized in providing professional audiovisual solutions to a variety of industries. They provide state-of-art system designs, product development, system integration and after sales service. In addition to the efficient and creative setup of boardrooms and presentation rooms, they are also specialized in developing solutions for simulation, virtual reality and 3D visualization. With specific expertise in this area, they are distributor for various visualization products.
Julie Berthonneau – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz was at the JVRC conference from Dec 11th to 13th at Sacclay Campus in Paris. We displayed our immersive visualization solutions operating with an eye tracker from SMI and a Vicon tracking system.
Read the Press Release for more details
New for JVRC
JVRC 2013 bring together people from industry, commerce, research including technology developers, suppliers and all those interested in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces to exchange knowledge and share experiences of new results and applications, live demonstrations of current and emerging technologies and form collaborations for future work.
More information :
About SMI
SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) is a world leader in dedicated computer vision applications, developing and marketing eye & gaze tracking systems, OEM and medical solutions for a wide range of applications. SMI now has more than 20 years of experience in developing application-specific solutions in close collaboration with its clients and is proud of its long standing and rapidly growing customer base. website :
Lucie Deniset – Marketing –
TechViz exhibited at Siggraph Asia in Hong Kong and you could find us on booth B15 with our partners HWA Create, Christie and ART. The 6th Siggraph conference and exhibition on computer graphics and interactive techniques in Asia took place from 20-22 November 2013,
TechViz demonstration with Christie rear projector Mirage 4k 120 Hz were unveiled for the first time in Hong Kong.
About HWA Create
HWA Create is a high-tech enterprise registered in Zhong Guan Village Science and Technology Park. The company consists of four divisions and one owned subsidy, namely satellite navigation, signal processing, simulation & test, antenna technology and Beijing Hwacreate Star Technology Co., Ltd. . It focuses on R&D, manufacture and sale of technologies and products of satellite navigation, radar and communication, navigation and communication antenna and embedded system in complicated electromechanical industries of aviation, aerospace, ship and emulation training. Hwacreate possesses quality system certificates and related industrial professional certificates.
About Christie
Christie is a global visual technologies company and offers diverse solutions for business, entertainment, and industry. With expertise in film projection since 1929 and professional projection systems since 1979, we’ve established a reputation as the world’s single source manufacturer of a variety of display technologies and solutions for cinema, large audience environments, control rooms, business presentations, training facilities, 3D and virtual reality, simulation, education, media and government. Christie has installed over 100,000 projection solutions worldwide.
About ART
ART is a leading manufacturer of high-end optical tracking systems for Virtual and Augmented Reality. In addition, ART provides solutions for industrial measurement, medical applications and Motion Capture for ergonomics. The company is located near Munich, Germany. ART became one of the most important suppliers of infrared optical tracking solutions for the automotive and aerospace industries, and for research institutes and universities. ART offers a variety of tracked input devices, such as Flysticks and Fingertracking, particularly designed for Virtual Reality applications.
Contact us for more information
Sales – Salvatore Gabaï –
Marketing – Lucie Deniset –
TechViz attended Batimat 2013 at Paris nord Villepinte, France, from November 4th to 8th.
Saint Gobain hosted our virtual reality demonstrations on their booth Nr 5A H21.
Two additional themes also featured in 2013: building accessibility and comfort, and the strong technological dimension to construction.
Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building materials, providing innovative solutions to meet growing demand in emerging economies, for energy efficiency and for environmental protection.
Thank you for visiting us at the AVEVA World Summit at the Westin Coplet Hotel, in Boston, Massachussetts, USA.
You could find us on booth 2 with our partner EOS Solutions.
Like the highly successful 2012 event in Paris, the Aveva World Summit programme for 2013 is designed to address the business and strategic issues that are important to senior management and decision makers across AVEVA’s customers. Based on delegate input, this year’s event evolved to include dedicated agendas for three key audiences: Owner Operators, EPCs and Shipyards.
About EOS Solutions is the North American source for TechViz software and integration services. As thought leaders in digital manufacturing, EOS creates 4D simulation and 3D visualization solutions that deliver actionable intelligence with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. The Company offers the most advanced discrete event simulation(DES), virtual reality (VR) and CAD interoperability software available, to serve the diverse needs of its clients in a number of different industries. As such, EOS has the unique ability to guide risk mitigation strategies, operational plans, 3D design processes, and 3D virtual prototyping activities for the most complex systems.
TechViz – SMI demonstration days took place on 22nd and 23th October 2013
This joint organized event took place in the TechViz Showroom,
63/65 boulevard Masséna, 75013 Paris, France
A WORLD PREMIERE. Visitors could view their 3D applications through 3D glasses in a 4 sided Immersive Room and experience completely new insights into user interaction.
SMI Eye Tracking Glasses by SensoMotoric Instruments are a widely appreciated mobile eye tool which can be equipped to calculate 6D gaze vectors on objects. With snap-on 3D shutter glasses and optical head tracking targets, SMI Eye Tracking Glasses are specially designed for user experience studies and gaze interaction applications in a virtual environment.
About SMI
SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) is a world leader in dedicated computer vision applications, developing and marketing eye & gaze tracking systems, OEM and medical solutions for a wide range of applications. SMI now has more than 20 years of experience in developing application-specific solutions in close collaboration with its clients and is proud of its long standing and rapidly growing customer base. website :
TechViz Contact:
Gilles Barbieux:
SMI Contact:
José Barreiros:
Thank you for visiting us in Amsterdam for the 6th edition of Offshore Energy exhibition.
You could find us on booth Nr 11.078 with our sales partner Prosystems where we unveiled our latest 3D visualization technology. Our unique technology is an essential tool for training on maintenance and operations, for virtual platform exploration, for reservoir simulation.
Offshore Energy addresses the technical, operational and commercial challenges associated with future sector growth. The two-day event includes an exhibition where an expected 500 supply chain companies will showcase their products and services, and cover key topics and solutions for the offshore community. Conferences will be running parallel to the exhibition and will consist of high caliber panels, short technical sessions and annual meetings of industry organizations.
About our partner ProSystems
ProSystem is specialized in providing professional audiovisual solutions to a variety of industries. They provide state-of-art system designs, product development, system integration and after sales service. In addition to the efficient and creative setup of boardrooms and presentation rooms, they are also specialized in developing solutions for simulation, virtual reality and 3D visualization. With specific expertise in this area, they are distributor for various visualization products.
Contact for more information :
Sales –
Marketing –
You could view your 3D applications (Catia, SCANeR displayed with TechViz) in our 4 sided Immersive Room equipped with a driving simulator. A unique immersive experience for a realistic driving simulation.
TechViz fusion: merges 3D scenes of different applications in a single unified scene.
Ideal for cross domain review.
Study Ergonomics
Check visibility and safety requirements
Carry out studies on control systems of the vehicle dynamics
Review your vehicle design
HMI prototyping
Thank you for visiting TechViz at ICCAS 2013!
You could find us on booth Nr 2 where we will unveiled our latest visualization technology to virtually immerse in your 3D ship!
New for ICCAS 2013!
The 16th International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding took place from 24-26 September 2013 in Busan, Korea.
The conference reviewed operational experience from existing computer applications in the design and build of ships and offshore structures and covered a full range of topics including simulation and virtual reality applications.
Contact for more information
Sales –
Marketing –
TechViz exhibited at Dassault Systemes’ 3DExperience Forum in Istambul!
TechViz visualization solutions was presented for the first time in Turkey – and you could find us in the Yakut Ballroom with our new partner InfoTRON.
Demo: TechViz have a CAA development partnership with Dassault Systemes to interact with the model in real time from the 3D native application (Catia, Delmia, Enovia). A Must Have add on.
TechViz XL enables users of Catia, Delmia, Enovia to work and interact directly with their models as Virtual Prototypes, in their native application, in real time. Users will view realistic simulation of assembly tasks or collisions and manipulate parts.
TechViz XL Catia Connector is a TechViz XL option which enables seamless integration of TechViz into the Catia interface. Users can control TechViz behavior directly in the Catia toolbar. It enables users to mix a Catia interface with immersive review. The main functionality is to keep viewpoints in sync between the immersive navigation and the normal Catia mouse navigation.
About InfoTRON
InfoTRON’s Immersive Interactive Virtual Reality Systems are a seamless integration of hardware and software technologies used for Virtual Reality.
InfoTRON focused on 2 main divisions, i.e. product design and developement, and simulation and heavily invests in research and development efforts in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Product Development and Simulation technologies.
Sales –
Marketing –
TechViz exhibited at BuildTechAsia with our partner Veldis experience in Singapore, from July 31st to August 2nd. You could find us on booth Nr W07, Hall 4.
The Future of construction is under one roof at BuildTechAsia!
In its 3rd edition, the annual event took place at Singapore Expo and presented the industry with the latest and most advanced technologies, products and trends where building, infrastructure and other aspects of construction needed.
We showcased 3D models of apartments and buildings from the applications Showcase, 3DSmas and Revit displayed in real time on a power wall.
Also on stand our partners Christie showcasing their stereo displays operating with TechViz.
Julie Berthonneau – Sales –
Lucie Deniset – Marketing –
TechViz and their north American sales and integration services partner, EOS Solutions ( exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2013, 23rd-25th July at the Anaheim Convention Center, Los Angeles.
Watch the TechViz corporate video
Now in its 40th year, the SIGGRAPH conference is the premier international event on computer graphics and interactive techniques. SIGGRAPH 2013 is expected to draw more than 20,000 professionals from five continents to Anaheim, California. The SIGGRAPH conference attracts the most respected technical and creative people from all over planet Earth. The SIGGRAPH community includes people everywhere who are excited by research, science, art, animation, gaming, interactivity, education, and the web.
SIGGRAPH 2013 is sponsored by The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), an educational and scientific society uniting the world’s computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s challenges. The SIGGRAPH conference and exhibition is a five-day interdisciplinary educational experience including a three-day commercial exhibition that attracts hundreds of exhibitors from around the world. SIGGRAPH is widely recognized as the most prestigious forum for the publication of computer graphics research. In addition to SIGGRAPH’s leading-edge technical program, the conference’s installations provide close-up views of the latest in digital art, emerging technologies, and hands-on opportunities for creative collaboration.
At SIGGRAPH, TechViz presented their latest immersive visualization solutions operating with a selection of 3D stereo displays and tracking systems with our partners:
Barco presented for the first time its innovative new 3 sided visualization concept, featuring a strongly reduced installation footprint. Barco is a global technology company who designs and develops visualization solutions for a variety of selected professional markets: control rooms, defense & aerospace, digital cinema, healthcare, media & entertainment and simulation & virtual reality.
Sensics presented the newest version of wireless HeadMounted Display from Sensics, which offers a 60 degree field of view,1280×1024 resolution and integrated head tracking and audio operating with TechViz. Sensics makes goggles for virtual and augmented reality applications. Sensics has proven expertise in defining,designing, manufacturing,marketing and supporting personal display products.
ART presented its TRACKPACK and FLYSTICK2 for a full tracking system during TechViz visualization, supplied by ART. ART GmbH is a leading manufacturer of high-end optical tracking systems for Virtual and Augmented Reality and additionally offers a variety of tracked input devices, such as Flysticks and Fingertracking, particularly designed for Virtual Reality application. Moreover ART provides the only solution for optical tracking inside multisided projection systems.
EOS Solutions is the North American source for TechViz software and integration services. As thought leaders in digital manufacturing, EOS creates 4D simulation and 3D visualization solutions that deliver actionable intelligence with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. The Company offers the most advanced discrete event simulation(DES), virtual reality (VR) and CAD interoperability software available, to serve the diverse needs of its clients in a number of different industries. As such, EOS has the unique ability to guide risk mitigation strategies, operational plans, 3D design processes, and 3D virtual prototyping activities for the most complex systems.
TechViz attended the Siemens PLM Connection at the Lufthansa Training & Conference Center in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany on the 23rd and 24th April, where we unveiled our latest 3D immersive visualization solution in with our partner Virtalis Germany.
LAVAL VIRTUAL, the 15th meeting dedicated to Virtual Reality took place in Laval, France from March 20th-23rd 2013. TechViz exhibited on block stand A7 -A11.
Also on booth our Partners Christie and PNY
Contact for more information:
Gilles Barbieux – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
TechViz exhibited on stand N12 in Dubaï, Emirates, at the Gulf Educational Supplies and Solutions tradeshow with their partners Intertech and Barco.
The Gulf Educational Supplies & Solutions exhibition took place 5-7th March 2013 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. GESS is the only exhibition in the region to cover the entire spectrum of educational supplies and solutions.
Contact for more information:
Mohamed Ali Hammami – Sales
TechViz exhibited at the ECOBUILD trade show their 3D latest immersive visualisation solution on booth N422, North Hall at The ExCel London Centre, UK.
From building structures and microrenewables to insulation materials and water management systems, Ecobuild provides a platform for businesses representing the entire spectrum of sustainable construction products for new build, refurbishment, residential and commercial projects.
TechViz exhibited with their partner Virtalis at ART‘s first company event.
The event took place on February, 21 & 22, 2013 in Starnberg, Germany.
TechViz exhibited at SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 with our partners Christie Digital and ART.
The 5th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia will take place from 28 November – 1 December 2012 in Singapore at Singapore Expo. The trade Exhibition will be held from 29 November – 1 December 2012.
Book an appointment now for your customized demo – Watch a TechViz video
Holostation Christie is oprating with TechViz :
The Christie® HoloStation is a personal visualization solution thatdisplays up to 15 Megapixels of data in a 3D stereoscopic and interactive tracked environment, all in a compact footprint that fits into nearly any cubicle or lab in any facility. It is easy to deploy, is completely self-contained and easy to use.
TechViz attended the 3DExperience Forum Europe, Dassault Systemes’s PLM on the 20th-21st November 2012 in Brussels, Belgium.
The 3DExperience Forum Europe enables you to experience first-hand how Dassault Systèmes is leading the way businesses, research, education, and society cross boundaries and connect to invent tomorrow.
Demo: TechViz have a CAA development partnership with Dassault Systemes to interact with the model in real time from the 3D native application (Catia, Delmia, Enovia). A Must Have add on.
TechViz XL enables users of Catia, Delmia, Enovia to work and interact directly with their models as Virtual Prototypes, in their native application, in real time. Users will view realistic simulation of assembly tasks or collisions and manipulate parts.
TechViz XL Catia Connector is a TechViz XL option which enables seamless integration of TechViz into the Catia interface. Users can control TechViz behavior directly in the Catia toolbar. It enables users to mix a Catia interface with immersive review. The main functionality is to keep viewpoints in sync between the immersive navigation and the normal Catia mouse navigation.
TechViz was at the 7th days of AFRV (Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle) on 29th – 31st in Strasbourg, France
Founded by researchers of the industry, this association aims to:
– Promote and facilitate Virtual reality development, increased reality, mixed reality and 3D interaction over every aspects : education, Research, Studies, development and applications.
– Provide a means of communication between people interested in this field.
At the AFVR, TechViz gave you the opportunity to see its visualization solutions TechViz Fusion.
TechViz Fusion allows you to merge 3D data of two OpenGL applications into one immersive view. This view takes the relative depth of these two applications into consideration. Every modification to the prototype in either application is immediately reflected in the common immersive view.
TechViz exhibited their 3D latest immersive visualisation solution in Madrid, Spain at the Joint Virtual Reality Conference with their Spanish partner Bienetec.
The Joint Virtual Reality Conference is an international event that brings together people from industry, commerce and research including technology developers, suppliers and all those interested in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces.
TechViz and their Russian partner VE group were pleased to welcome you at the 3DExperience Forums, Dassault Systemes’s PLM.
The 3DExperience Forums enables you to experience first-hand how Dassault Systèmes is leading the way businesses, research, education, and society cross boundaries and connect to invent tomorrow.
TechViz was excited to welcome you to our exhibit at Aveva World Summit 2012, where we unveiled our latest 3D immersive visualization solution in Paris, France.
Contact us for more information | Tel:
TechViz was at ESA-ESTEC on 25th -27th September, Noordwijk in The Netherlands.
The Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes (SESP) was organised for the first time in 1990 and has since been held on a bi-annual basis. The Workshop on Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) was held for the first time in 1992. In recognition of the evolving synergy between these two domains both workshop have been combined into a single workshop addressing both domains as of 2010.
The Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes (SESP) was organised for the first time in 1990 and has since been held on a bi-annual basis. The Workshop on Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) was held for the first time in 1992. In recognition of the evolving synergy between these two domains both workshop have been combined into a single workshop addressing both domains as of 2010.
DSC 6-7 september, Paris 13e. TechViz exhibited at the Driving Simulation Conference on 6th-7th September 2012 at Arts et Métiers ParisTech in Paris. We presented TechViz Fusion working with SCANeR from Oktal on booth 16.
TechViz and their north American sales and integration services partner, EOS Solutions ( exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2012, 7-9 August in Los Angeles on booth 652.
Collaborate add-ons LIVE between 2 platforms!
New this year on booth: TechViz displayed their new collaborative functionalities between two different immersive platforms: cube modules from Barco and an HMD from Sensics. These unique collaborative add ons were launched at Siggraph for the first time in the USA.
Read our News Release
TechViz Collaborative
Enables 3D application users to work together on Virtual Prototypes of their 3D models from different remote locations. This Immersive system brings you a step closer to Star Trek Holodeck, directly from within your usual 3D applications, without any data conversion.
At Siggraph,TechViz presented their latest immersive visualization solutions operating with a selection of 3D stereo displays and tracking systems
Nissim Gabai – Account Manager –
Alexis Vartanian – CTO –
Tom Barth – Managing Consultant –
TechViz and their partner San Toku Corporation exhibited at the Industrial Virtual Reality Conference. The 20th edition of this 3D Virtual Reality Expo took place in Tokyo Big Sight from 20-22nd June 2012. You could find us on booth 23-6 of the « 3D Measurement » zone.
3D & Virtual Reality Expo (IVR) is Japan’s largest exhibition where you can experience all kinds of cutting-edge 3D technology and super high definition image technogloy.
IVR attracts a significant number of users from manufacturing industries, amusement industries, broadcasting stations, image producing companies, content production companies, telecommunication companies, public offices, public offices, universities and research centers, who are looking to buy solutions for their businesses.
TechViz and their German partner Viscon ( attended the 3D Experience Forum, Dassault Systemes’ PLM. The event took place in Mannheim, Germany at the Rosengarten Kongress Center on the 13-14th of June 2012. Also present on stand our partner AR Tracking (
TechViz exhibited at the Hexagon Conference 2012, 4-7 June in Las Vegas on booth 412 and displayed their latest immersive technologies at this Intergraph event.
This exciting international conference welcoming more than 3000 delegates offed the chance to preview technologies, attend presentations by industry experts, participate in targeted tracks, break-out sessions and hands-on training and hear inspiring keynotes from today’s thought leaders.
EXPOSURE: Showcase key products and services to more than 3 000 valued Hexagon users in the Hexagon 2012 TechPark – one of the key focal points of the entire conference.
TechViz attended the ITEC Conference taking place from the 22nd to the 24th of May at the ExCel Center in London, UK.
ITEC is the International exhibition for the military training and simulation community and is the most interactive conference in its field. It has been designed to involve delegates and generate discussion to bring about new ideas. Thought leaders from Industry, Academia and key military figures from the training and simulation community were gathered for the event as well as military personnel to truly reflect the requirements of the industry and developments for the future.
Following the most highly attended and content driven ITEC in years, ITEC 2012 was set to build upon 2011’s success. Sessions were structured into 4 distinct themes, covering all major areas of the military training and simulation field.
See conference programme here.
You could find us on booth Nr H110 where our partner projectiondesign were exhibiting and displaying the latest in 3D Virtual Reality. TechViz displayed their advanced solution in visualization of 3D submarine and aircraft maintenance, with a tracking system from Vicon Motion Systems.
See the press release here.
TechViz and their German partner Viscon ( attended Siemens PLM Usegroup . The event took place in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany on the 8-9th of May 2012 at the Lufthansa Taining and Conference Centre. Also present on our booth our partner AR Tracking (
Contact TechViz
Salvatore Gabai – Sales
LAVAL VIRTUAL, the french Trade Show dedicated to Virtual Reality, took place from March 28 until April 1st 2012 in Laval, France.
Exclusive Collaborate add-ons LIVE between 2 booths!
This year at the show, TechViz and their French sales partner Immersion displayed their new collaborative option between two different immersive platforms, both on the TechViz and Immersion booths. Downlaod flyer here.
Why collaborate add-ons?
The perfect tool for collaboration between departments to improve teamwork remotely.
To visualize a common 3D virtual environment from our stands, each site visualizing the same 3D prototype.
Also on booth J1 our Partners Tridelity and PNY
Gilles Barbieux – Sales
Lucie Deniset – Marketing
This year the IEEE VR 2012 show took place from 4 – 8th March 2012 in Orange County, USA.
TechViz exhibited with its North American sales and integration services partner, EOS Solutions (
IEEE Virtual Reality is one of the most prestigious international conferences on virtual reality.
At IEEE VR visitors watched a 3D prototype in stereo mode, viewed changes to the prototype directly in the native application using the TechViz XL software without any data conversion or data loss.
About EOS Solutions
As a leader in system modeling and operation research, EOS Solutions develop 4D simulation and 3D visualization solutions that lead their clients to business process innovations. The Company uses the most advanced virtual reality (VR) discrete event simulation and CAD interoperability software in the world to serve their clients.
Ecoutez la success story TechViz sur Radio Classique
Radio Classique a choisi de raconter la success story de la « pépite » TechViz. Vous saurez tout sur notre activité, les chiffres, les marchés concernés, les applications clients dans le domaine de l’aviation et du marketing, l’importance d’une projection immersive en industrie, nos ambitions, le futur.
Écoutez, vous saurez tout.
TechViz attended SIGGRAPH Asia with his partners Christie Digital and A.R.T.
This 4th edition has been a great and huge asian experience for TechViz.
The audience was conquered about our immersive technology, even Stormtroopers !
TechViz performs on softwares Product View, Catia and Unity.
TechViz attended BATIMAT.
TechViz showed how immersive display can be essential for Building Information Modeling.
The driver TechViz XL is certified on differents BIM applications : Bimsight (Tekla), Allplan, Nova.
TechViz exhibit @ JVRC and will present on two differents booths with partners:
Vicon and Antycip Simulation
The 8th Conference and Exhibition of the European Association of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (euroVR)
The 17th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE)
This year it will be held in the UK at the University of Nottingham’s award-winning Jubilee Campus. Nottingham is at the very heart of England and boasts a wealth of attractions from historical landmarks and sports grounds to famous outlaws and excellent shopping opportunities, hosting a wide range of boutiques and popular chain stores. JVRC2011 will be hosted by the Human Factors Research Group – VIRART (Virtual Reality Applications Research Team) and the MRL (Mixed Reality Lab) at the University of Nottingham.
TechViz was @ Siggraph2011 in Vancouver, CANADA, in August 7-11 with his partners Christie and Tridelity
TechViz expose ses solutions de visualisation immersives en partenariat avec JVC, PNY et Vicon sur le salon Dimension 3
Sponsor du Forum 2011, JVC présentera sur la zone d’exposition ses dernières solutions S3D (écrans LCD avec polarisation, vidéoprojecteurs D-ILA 3D, caméscope 3D, convertisseur 2D/3D temps réel) ainsi que de nouvelles applications 3D liées aux produits JVC. Les visiteurs du Forum pourront notamment découvrir un rig équipé de caméscopes JVC Full HD, ainsi que des images produites avec cette configuration particulièrement économique et ergonomique !
L’équipe JVC présentera aussi les solutions de la société TECHVIZ, éditeur de solution de visualisation S3D.
A propos de JVC Professional Europe: JVC Professional Europe est la filiale de JVC Kenwood Holdings, l’un des leaders mondiaux en tant que fabricant et fournisseur d’équipements audiovisuels professionnels (lecteurs, enregistreurs, vidéoprojecteurs, caméras de télévision ou de vidéosurveillance, solutions de stockage, traitement de l’image).
A propos de TechViz: TechViz, éditeur de logiciels et leader mondial en matière de développement de solutions de visualisation d’applications S3D, permet d’améliorer la productivité grâce à une meilleure analyse des données S3D. TechViz XL (et ses options) permet, entre autres, d’afficher des prototypes virtuels en temps réel et directement à partir d’une application S3D dans un environnement virtuel, ceci sans sans aucune limitation en termes de résolution, taille, forme ou performance.
Plus d’informations sur les solutions JVC sur le site:
Plus d’informations sur les solutions TECHVIZ sur le site:
TechViz is pleased to announce its participation at ITEC 2011 in partnership with Intersense on Booth D161.
This year, TechViz will demonstrate its product TechViz XL on a Stereo 3D Display Panel from JVC with Intersense IS900 tracking system. TechViz will show two different capabilities of its solutions.
Firstly, TechViz will demonstrate how it can seamlessly enable existing 3D applications to become fully Immersive. The application is Delmia from Dassault Systems and the focus of the demonstration is virtual maintenance training operation.
Secondly TechViz will demonstrate how easy it is to develop a fully immersive and interactive 3D application. TechViz will show a sample made with Unity 3D and TechViz TVZLIB.
For more information concerning TechViz participation at ITEC 2011 and our solutions, please contact:
Mr. Salvatore Gabaï
International Sales Manager
About InterSense
InterSense Incorporated is a market leader in precision motion technology. Its patented Hybrid Inertial Technology tracks motion with an unmatched combination of real-time positioning, tracking and alignment capabilities, bringing higher speed and quality to visual simulation, enhanced vision and navigation applications. InterSense’s premier motion tracking products enable real-time, realistic interaction with computer graphics to enhance technical applications in training and simulation, robotics, augmented reality, 3D virtual displays, video/game development and film production, oil and gas exploration, industrial design and medical imaging.
In addition to a marquis customer base spanning the military, industrial, entertainment, research, engineering and life sciences industries, InterSense also works with a global network of software partners, systems integrators, value added resellers and OEM hardware partners to deliver solutions tailored to customer needs. For more information, visit
Contact :
Dean Wormell
+1 781-541-7607
TechViz participated jointly with PNY/Nvidia and Tridelity at Laval Virtual 2011 at booth F1-F3.
Laval Virtual is THE number one show in Europe dedicated to virtual technology. Internationally recognised as one of the main events in the field, the Laval Virtual show brings together contributors from more than 40 countries around the world and offers great international business opportunities. Laval Virtual is offering you the possibility to meet the major players in the sector of virtual technology as well as the opportunity to find out how these technologies will be able to best intervene in your current activity to profit in the terms of time, money, quality and efficiency.
Complementary companies in terms of visualization solutions, TechViz and its partners combine their hardware and software know-how to deliver a global solution which allows visualization in real time and 1:1 scale of digital models and virtual prototypes.
At Laval Virtual 2011, TechViz has been offering you the opportunity to watch two demos of its visualization solutions, using two different display systems.
The first demo has been using TechViz visualization software (TechViz XL, TechViz Fusion and TVZLib) with Barco’s projection system in combination with Nvidia’s Quadro 5000 graphic card installed on an HP workstation. Thanks to TechViz XL software and its tracking and navigations options used with Nvidia 3D Vision Pro glasses and A.R.T.’s motion tracking system, visitors were able to interact with the 3D model scene. Other solutions showcased at Laval Virtual 2011 by TechViz were: TechViz Fusion, which allows merging 3D data of two different Open GL applications into one immersive view and TVZLib which enables you to write your own OpenGL fully immersive 3D application as quickly and easily as a normal desktop mouse-controlled 3D application.
The second demo focussed on TechViz visualization software (TechViz TV) used with Tridelity’s 55″ autosteroscopic screen. TechViz TV makes your application “3D ready”. Stereo 3D comes directly to your usual 3D applications without any data conversion thanks to TechViz TV software using Tridelity’s autostereoscopic multiview display.
TechViz enables Virtual Prototyping more than 150 application. Unfortunately we could not show all theses applications! We decided to focus on two applications : Dassault Systeme Catia and Unity 3D Engine. Dassault Systeme Catia was chosen to show our new CAA partnership. Unity was chosen to show our upcoming TechViz TVZLIB SDK that enables users to put interactivity into their own application.
For more information concerning our participation at Laval Virtual 2011 and our visualization solutions, please contact:
Emanuela Boutin-Boila
International Marketing Manager
Gilles Barbieux
Sales Manager France
TechViz is pleased to announce its joint participation with A.R.T. and Christie (booth B01) at the IEEE VR 2011 show organized this year from March 19th to March 23rd 2011 in Singapore.
IEEE Virtual Reality is one of the most prestigious international conferences and exhibitions on virtual reality. It will come to Singapore in 2011, first time in its history!
IEEE Virtual Reality 2011 (VR2011) was held on 19 – 23 March 2011 (19 –20 for symposiums/workshops/tutorials, 21 – 23 for main conference) at SUNTEC Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore.
The conference focussed on recent research and development in the fields of virtual environments, augmented reality, 3D user interface, etc. Researchers and practitioners actively working in VR area got together to discuss the recent research/technology developments and trends.
Conference topics included, but were not limited to:
Immersive gaming
3D interaction for VR
VR systems and toolkits
Augmented and mixed reality
Computer graphics techniques
Advanced display and immersive projection technology
Multi-user and Distributed VR and gaming
Serious Games
Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
Tracking & Sensing
Modeling and Simulation
User studies and evaluation
Presence and cognition
Applications of AR/MR/VR
At IEEE VR, A.R.T., Christie and TechViz have been combining their software and hardware know-how and offering you the opportunity to watch a complete demo of their visualization solutions. Using a Christie projection system, an A.R.T. tracking system and TechViz XL software, visitors were able to watch a 3D prototype in stereo mode, to view changes to the prototype directly in the native application. Thanks to TechViz software this happened without any data conversion or data loss.
For more information concerning TechViz’ participation at IEEE VR and our solutions, please contact:
Mr. Salvatore Gabaï
International Sales Manager
SolidWorks World 2011, SolidWorks’ International User Conference and Exhibition, took place this year on January 23-26 at the San Antonio Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
SolidWorks World offers users outstanding technical sessions, a chance to meet Solidworks Partners and watch live demos of their products. SolidWorks World offers also huge networking opportunities.
TechViz, a SolidWorks Research Associate Partner, participated at this event in partnership with HP and showcased one of its latest visualization solutions, TechViz Fusion. This visualization solution presented on a HP Z200 workstation with AMD/ATI graphic card allowed to transparently merge 3D data from 2 different OpenGL applications (in this case SolidWorks and 3DVIA Composer) into one immersive view.
TechViz participated in partnership with AMD/ATI, Dell and Barco at the European Customer Forum 2010 organized by Dassault Systèmes.
The ECF 2010 took place on the 23rd-24th of November 2010 in Disneyland, Paris, France.
ECF 2010 is PLM industry‘s most content-rich customer conference. Dassault Systèmes’ PLM industry solutions help you to “collaborate to innovate” — delivering innovative products to market faster with higher quality and lower costs.
TechViz and Dassault Systèmes have recently signed a Component Application Architecture (CAA) Catia V5 Development Partnership Agreement. Through this development agreement, TechViz creates, markets and sells new functionalities of its TechViz XL software dedicated to V5 solutions. These functionalities are fully integrated and complementary to V5 solutions. This allows V5 users of CATIA, Delmia and Enovia to switch to another level of experience when using their V5 software with TechViz XL. It increases the ease of use and multiplies the application fields of the V5 software.
See below an interview with Alexis Vartanian, CTO of Techiz, at the Dassault Systèmes booth at the ECF 2010.
Antoine Reymond, AMD Strategic Alliances Senior Manager, shows an immersive 3D oil platform using TechViz visualization software with 3dvia across 6 displays, CATIA running on a Barco 4k display and a Fujitsu workstation displaying gigapixels of 3D data across 3 displays.
For more information concerning TechViz’ participation at the ECF 2010 and our solutions, please contact:
Mr. Salvatore Gabaï
International Sales Manager
TechViz participated in collaboration with its partner Barco at the Supercomputing 2010 show organized from November 15th to November 18th 2010 in New Orleans, LA, USA.
SC10 brought together an unprecedented array of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, developers and program managers and an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials and timely research posters. SC10’s Exhibition Hall will be second to none, featuring exhibits from international participants representing industry, academia and government research organizations.
At SC10, TechViz supported its partner Barco and offered visitors the possibility to understand how the TechViz XL driver allows them to display their 3D prototype in stereo mode, to make changes to the prototype directly in their native application and do all this without any data conversion or data loss.
For more information concerning TechViz’ participation at SC10 and our solutions, please contact:
Mr. Alexis Vartanian
Mobile: +33 6 12 66 41 12
TechViz participated in collaboration with its partner Barco at the DSCC 2010 organized by Dassault Systèmes from November 9th to November 10th 2010 in Orlando, Florida, USA.
DSCC 10 , the only DS-run PLM and 3D event in North America, brings together CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA and 3DVIA customers, partners and technology leaders all in one setting. With a robust general session and breakouts organized by industry and by brand, each attendee had an unprecedented opportunity for learning how they can bring their company’s dreams to life!
TechViz and Dassault Systèmes have recently signed a Component Application Architecture (CAA) Catia V5 Development Partnership Agreement. Through this development agreement, TechViz creates, markets and sells new functionalities of its TechViz XL software dedicated to V5 solutions. These functionalities are fully integrated and complementary to V5 solutions. This allows V5 users of CATIA, Delmia and Enovia to switch to another level of experience when using their V5 software with TechViz XL. It increases the ease of use and multiplies the application fields of the V5 software.
At DSCC 2010, TechViz supported its partner Barco and offered visitors the possibility to understand how the TechViz XL driver allows them to display their 3D prototype in stereo mode, to make changes to the prototype directly into CATIA V5 and to make assembly simulations to their prototype through the Virtual Assembly and CATIA Connector options.
For more information concerning TechViz’ participation at DSCC 2010 and our solutions, please contact:
Mr. Nissim Gabaï
International Account Manager