Merge 3D scenes of different applications into a single unified scene and into a single 3D prototype with Fusion. Make changes in real time in each of the application without data conversion. Ideal for cross domain review.
Fusion option is a unique technology that enables the merge of the 3D content from separate 3D applications in real time. The motive and ground base of this functionality is that, today, companies have several departments/teams using dedicated 3D applications (CAD, simulation, visualization). They will share their work, so as to consolidate and validate the product development.
3D results of different 3D applications (Dassault Systemes Catia V5, Autodesk Naviswork, Siemens PLM NX, etc.) are merged in the visualization process. Moreover, changes (or animation) brought on the different native applications are applied in real time within the VR environment merge of models.
This way, based on the visual merge of their results, different teams can work together easily.
TechViz Fusion displays your 3D data sets or 3D virtual prototype directly from your native application, on any type of stereo 3D display.
The Fusion option works on standard workstations under Windows 10 or 11.
All your professional 3D applications are displayed on any VR device (CAVE, headsets such as HTC, Meta or Varjo) without any data conversion needed!